Todd Strasser zu Besuch an der HBS

Am 14. Februar saßen die Schülerinnen und Schüler des A-Kurses Englisch aufgeregt und gespannt in ihrem Klassenraum und warteten darauf, dass Todd Strasser auf dem Bildschirm erscheint. Der preisgekrönte Autor, der über 140 Bücher veröffentlicht hat und unter anderem berühmt für seine Werke „Die Welle“, „Ich knall euch ab“ und „Boot Camp“ ist, erklärte sich auf Anfrage der Englisch-Lehrkraft Frau Stehle zu einem virtuellen Besuch bereit. Der Kurs bearbeitet aktuell den Roman „Boot Camp“ im Unterricht und hatte sich mit vielen Fragen auf das Treffen vorbereitet.


Todd Strasser zog sowohl SchülerInnen als auch Lehrkraft mit seiner unkomplizierten Art in seinen Bann. Er beantwortete alle Fragen und bot sogar ein zweites Treffen an, wenn der Kurs die Arbeit am Buch beendet haben wird, um mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern über das Ende zu diskutieren. Viel zu schnell war das Treffen vorbei und alle freuen sich bereits jetzt auf ein weiteres Gespräch.


Das sagten einige Schülerinnen und Schüler zu Todd Strassers Besuch:


„He was really nice and it seem dike he had a lot of fun talking to us. Todd made it easy to talk to him. His hints made me want to read the book even more. The offer to talk to us again was really great.” Eliana


“I think that Todd is a very chilled person. He wasn’t strict at all and we were able to laugh with him. He was very nice and open towards us. “ Leonard


“I really liked the virtual meeting with Todd Strasser. At first I was really nervous and was wondering what kind of person he would be. During the talk I wasn’t nervous anymore because he seemed like a really nice and talkative person. He’s very open-minded and passionate about his work. I really admired that. It was nice listening to him and the atmosphere was really relaxed, too. I’m looking forward to meeting him again and talk about the book “Boot Camp”.” Mubashra


“He was a friendly person and it was really interesting to hear how he became an author and where he gets his ideas from. He answered our questions in detail so we could learn a lot about him.“ Jadzia


“I think the meeting was very nice, Todd is a really funny and happy person. He laughs all the time and I think he liked us. The communication was good and his English was easy to understand. I think he enjoyed the meeting, too, because he wants to meet us again when we have finished the book and talk about its ending.” Lea


“I think the meeting went very well. Todd Strasser seems like a nice person who you can talk to. One could sense that he often does meetings like this. I liked him answering the questions very thoroughly and that he wants to meet with us again.” Annina


“At first I think the atmosphere was pretty tense because we all didn’t know what to expect, but after a couple of minutes it got much better. In my personal view it was really interesting to talk to an author like Todd Strasser because you get to know the person behind the book. It was also interesting to learn about his thoughts and feelings about the work he has done.” Finn


“He was very friendly and tried to answer our questions as specifically as he could. Getting to know him makes the book even more interesting.” Elina


“The meeting with Todd Strasser was very interesting and quite inspiring. He told us that if we want to be successful, even if we don’t want to be a writer, communication is important because the right way of communicating is the key to success.” Neo


“I think Todd Strasser is a person you like to talk to. Although he is really famous, successful and probably kind of rich, he is very down to earth and seems to enjoy meetings with students. The atmosphere was very chilled while we were talking and Todd Strasser understood and answered all of our questions. It was really fun.” Kai


“I was really surprised that he answered every question we asked. It was also nice to get information about the new book he is writing at the moment.” Moritz


“It was great to get some knowledge and info about Todd that can’t be found on the internet. It was interesting to learn about how he gets his ideas for his books. One impressive thing I learned about Todd is that he wasn’t able to read and write properly in 3rd grade but he then learned it and became a great author.” Jonas


“I really liked the conversation with Todd. I think he is likeable and funny. I was able to understand him and to follow him very well. His past is very interesting as well – I liked his stories.” Luk